Advanced Drawing of Monkey in Tree

Planting instructions

To grow a monkey puzzle tree successfully, you will need a warm climate and an area with ample sunlight. Typically, these trees will survive as far north as USDA hardiness zone 7. Their warmest growing USDA hardiness zone is 10. If you are in such an area, you will also want to ensure that the soil in which you plant your monkey puzzle tree is rich in organic matter. Other than that, you'll have some leeway regarding the soil as this species can live in clay, sand, or rocky conditions. The monkey puzzle tree thrives in soils at nearly any pH level.

Watering and nutrients

During the first growing season, it is necessary for you to water your monkey puzzle tree once per week or once every two weeks. This watering will help to establish the tree. After establishment, you can reduce your watering schedule drastically. All you will need to do is notice when the top three inches of the soil around your monkey puzzle tree become dry. When that occurs, it is time to supply water.

In some instances, a monkey puzzle tree may need little to no fertilization at all. This fact is a testament to the ease with which you can raise one of these plants. If you do choose to fertilize, simply use a standard all-purpose fertilizer.


The most important fact to know about monkey puzzle tree pollination is that these trees usually grow as either a male or a female version. That means that you will need to plant both varieties if you hope to see your monkey puzzle trees produce fruit. On a rare occasion, you will find a monkey puzzle tree that has both male and female parts. This can make the pollination process much easier.


Monkey puzzle trees can grow well with minimal pruning. If you choose to perform some pruning on your tree, you should focus on removing dead or broken branches. Other than that, the only other reason you would prune one of these trees is to achieve a particular shape. Since these trees can grow exceptionally tall, gardeners often prune the lower branches. No matter what your pruning goals are, your pruning should take place in early spring.

Pests, diseases, and animals

Monkey puzzle trees are easy to care for overall, but that does not mean that they are completely impervious to pests and diseases. Most issues arise when a monkey puzzle tree grows in soil that is excessively wet. This can lead to fungal diseases or canker. Monkey puzzle trees can also serve as hosts to mealybugs and spider mites. However, if you manage to provide the ideal growing conditions for this species, it will typically live a pest and disease-free life.


It can take multiple decades for a monkey puzzle tree to reach sexual maturity. But when it does, it will begin to produce edible, nut-like seeds that are similar to pine nuts. To produce those fruits, you will need both a male and female version of the monkey puzzle tree. Occasionally, a monkey puzzle tree will grow as a hermaphrodite, which simplifies the fruit-producing process. Once your monkey tree is old enough, its fruits will emerge in mid to late summer.

Achieving maximum results

Many people feel drawn to monkey puzzle trees because of their distinct appearance. What they often fail to recognize is that these trees can grow to be very large. At maturity, they may be more than one hundred feet tall. So, it is important to give your monkey puzzle trees plenty of space to grow and expand during your planting stage.

How large do monkey puzzle trees grow?

Monkey puzzle trees grow to an astounding size. At maturity, this tree species will reach 150 feet tall. At times, it will grow even taller than that. These trees also develop a thick trunk that can be as wide as eight feet in diameter. The only caveat here is that it can take a long time for a monkey puzzle tree to reach those dimensions. This tree is a slow-growing species that gains just a few inches each year.

How long do monkey puzzle trees live?

One of the most impressive aspects of monkey puzzle trees is that they have an extremely long lifespan. In some cases, these trees can live for 700 years or more. In an ideal setting, it is entirely possible for one of these trees to live for a full 1,000 years. That longevity is part of the reason why these trees are able to reach such impressive heights.

Where does the monkey puzzle tree name come from?

The name monkey puzzle tree is a reference to the textured foliage that this tree has. The idea behind the name is that the branches of this tree are so complex that a monkey would be confused when trying to climb it. Before that name came to be, the monkey puzzle tree went by the name Joseph Banks pine, which honors a famous English botanist.

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    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement

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    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width


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    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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      15-20 ft

    • Mature width

      10-15 ft

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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      8-12 ft.

    • Mature width

      6-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      30-70 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Cherokee Brave Dogwood

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    • Mature height

      20-30 ft.

    • Mature width

      25-35 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Shade Preferred-- Tolerates Full Sun in Cooler Zones

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Christmas-Palm closeup

    Christmas Palm Trees

    • Mature height

      8-10 ft Indoors
      10-25 ft Outdoors

    • Mature width

      4-8 ft Indoors
      5-10 ft Outdoors

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Japanese Blueberry Trees

    Japanese Blueberry Trees

    • Mature height

      35 ft.

    • Mature width

      30 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Norfolk Island Pine Tree 1

    Norfolk Island Pine Trees

    • Mature height

      5-8 ft. (Indoors)

    • Mature width

      2-5 ft. (Indoors)

    • Sunlight requirement

      Partial Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Cleveland Pear Tree flowers

    Cleveland Pear Trees

    • Mature height

      30-40 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Eastern Red Bud flowers

    Eastern Redbud

    • Mature height

      20-30 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-15 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


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    • Mature height

      40-50 ft.

    • Mature width

      25-35 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Coconut Palm

    Coconut Palms

    • Mature height

      20-30 ft. at 10 years

    • Mature width

      5-10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Okame Cherry Tree 1

    Okame Cherry Tree

    • Mature height

      20-30 ft.

    • Mature width

      20-30 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Fuyu Persimmon  close-up

    Fuyu Persimmon Tree

    • Mature height

      12-15 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

      20-30 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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      10-20 ft Outdoor

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      6-8 ft Indoors
      10-15 ft Outdoors

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      2 ft.

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    • Mature height

      8 ft. pruned

    • Mature width

      10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

      8-10 ft.

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      Full Sun

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    • Mature width

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    • Growth rate


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    • Mature width

      15-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    • Mature height


    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


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  • Sold Out

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    • Mature height

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    • Mature width

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    • Sunlight requirement

      Best Color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    • Mature height

      25-35 ft.

    • Mature width

      25-35 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Valencia Orange Tree

    Valencia Orange Tree

    • Mature height

      8 ft. pruned

    • Mature width

      3-4 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

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    Gold Nugget Mandarin Tree

    • Mature height

      8 ft. pruned

    • Mature width

      8-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Blue Point

    Blue Point Juniper

    • Mature height

      4-12 ft.

    • Mature width

      2-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Flame Thrower Redbud Tree

    Flame Thrower Redbud Tree

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Part Sun (4 hours minimum) or Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Taylor Juniper Tree

    Taylor Juniper Tree

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      3 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Blue Atlas Cedar Tree

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    • Mature height

      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      30-40 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Sweetbay Magnolia

    Sweetbay Magnolia

    • Mature height

      30-50 ft.

    • Mature width

      20-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Bloodgood Japanese Maple

    Bloodgood Japanese Maple

    • Mature height

      15 ft.

    • Mature width

      15-25 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Best color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • American Sycamore tree

    American Sycamore Tree

    • Mature height

      70 ft.

    • Mature width

      50 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Skyrocket Juniper 1

    Skyrocket Juniper

    • Mature height

      15 ft.

    • Mature width

      2-3 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Spartan Juniper close-up

    Spartan Juniper

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Ruby Red Grapefruit tree

    Ruby Red Grapefruit

    • Mature height

      15-20 ft. unpruned

    • Mature width

      8-10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Jane Magnolia

    Jane Magnolia

    • Mature height

      10-15 ft.

    • Mature width

      5-10 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Coral Bark Japanese Maple

    Coral Bark Japanese Maple

    • Mature height

      15-25 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Best color- Part Shade Tolerates Full Sun in cooler regions

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Bonfire Patio Peach leaves

    Bonfire Patio Peach Tree

    • Mature height

      4-5 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Sold Out

    Blue Moon Wisteria Vine

    Blue Moon Wisteria

    • Mature height

      25 ft.

    • Mature width

      6-8 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • White Spruce Tree

    White Spruce Tree

    • Mature height

      40-60 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-20 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement

      Full Sun

    • Growth rate


  • Dakota Pinnacle Birch 1

    Dakota Pinnacle Birch

    • Mature height

      30-34 ft.

    • Mature width

      10-12 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • 3 Dwarf Alberta Spruce

    Dwarf Alberta Spruce

    • Mature height

      6-8 ft.

    • Mature width

      4-5 ft.

    • Sunlight requirement


    • Growth rate


  • Magnolia Trees

    Magnolia Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Large Oak Tree

    Oak Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Eastern White Pine

    Pine Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Hawaiian Hibiscus

    Hibiscus Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Bright Japanese Maple Tree

    Japanese Maple Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Blue State Flowers

    State Flowers

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Honey Locust Trees

    Locust Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Arizona Cypress

    Cypress Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Bonsai Tree

    Bonsai Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Flowering Cherry Blossom Trees

    Cherry Blossom Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Crape Myrtle Trees

    Crape Myrtle Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Dogwood Blooms

    Dogwood Trees

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Fuchsia Plant

    Fuchsia Plants

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety

  • Torch Lily flowers

    Torch Lilies

    • Mature Height

      Varies by variety

    • Mature Width

      Varies by variety

    • Sunlight Requirement

      Varies by variety

    • Growth Rate

      Varies by variety


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