What Teachers Can Do to Help Dual Earner Families


Early boyhood corresponds to the transition from babyhood to machismo, with concomitant shifts in academic achievement, motivation, and engagement (Shim and Finch, 2014). These transitions are often challenging for adolescents, and experiences during this menstruation can profoundly impact their academic and emotional aligning (Duineveld et al., 2017). Adolescents are at adventure of dropping out of school and/or becoming maladjusted to this learning environment (Anderman, 2003).

At a basic level, academic aligning refers to the degree to which students manage different social, psychological, and academic challenges at school. Such an adjustment can be impacted by both intrinsic social or psychological factors and by extrinsic factors such as piece of work-family circumstances and the physical and mental land of the parent of a given student (Fuligni et al., 2001; Tseng, 2004; Brière et al., 2015; Arjanggi and Kusumaningsih, 2016). Higher levels of piece of work-family conflict (WFC) have been reported to be associated with increased academic pressure and a higher chance of burnout (Engels et al., 2019). The negative impacts of such work-family spillover tin can also indirectly impact such academic pressure through effects on parental educational expectations and associated changes in parental mental country (Berchiatti et al., 2020; Ebeling, 2020).

The reasons why some adolescents tin can excel in academic settings whereas others experience significant difficulties in the same setting are non fully understood. However, adolescent self-perceptions, including perceptions regarding parental behavior and behaviors, are known to be primal predictors of academic success. Thus, the differences in individual perceptions may ultimately shape the ability of students to effectively adapt to their academic surround (Dotterer and Lowe, 2015; Duineveld et al., 2017).

While prior studies on work-family interactions have demonstrated that WFC can negatively impact adolescent developmental outcomes through parenting practices and experiences, in that location have been far fewer studies exploring the potential benefits of work-family unit enrichment (WFE) on academic cognition and associated adolescent behaviors. Past improve understanding these interactions, it may be possible to design novel interventions capable of aiding adolescent academic adjustment. Thus, this study was designed to explore the association between parental work-family spillover and bookish adjustment and to establish whether this relationship was mediated by parental educational expectations and/or perceived parental educational expectations.

Piece of work-Family Spillover and Bookish Adjustment: Differences in Parental Roles

Work-family spillover refers to a measurement of the coaction between work and family roles that examines the extent to which these roles are enriching or conflicting (Shaffera et al., 2001; Greenhaus and Foley, 2007). In this contextual framework, WFC is considered to be a process whereby demands in a given domain deplete personal resources and interfere with accomplishments in other domains of life, while WFE refers to a process of resources accumulation wherein piece of work-derived resources ultimately meliorate experiences associated with a distinct social part (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985; Powell and Greenhaus, 2006; ten Brummelhuis and Bakker, 2012).

Such piece of work-family spillover can impact many aspects of babyhood development and adolescent adjustment (Bronfenbrenner, 1986). For example, conflicts betwixt parental responsibilities in the workplace and familial contexts have been shown to negatively impact boyish adaptive outcomes. Such conflicts tin, for example, pb to increased academic pressure level and/or reduced academic operation collectively referred to as academic maladjustment (Greenfield and Yan, 2006; Fosco and Grych, 2008; Rönkä et al., 2018; Vahedi et al., 2019). WFC has been linked to poorer academic performance, worse learning outcomes, and decreased schoolhouse achievement (Shim and Finch, 2014; Yang et al., 2015; Graber et al., 2016). Even so, farther inquiry regarding the potential positive impacts of piece of work-family spillover remains to be conducted. Indeed, there is some bear witness that work-derived rewards and enrichment tin can amend parenting quality (Eby et al., 2005; Cho and Allen, 2012). For example, parents with college salaries are more likely to create an intellectually stimulating environment for their children in order to support their didactics (McNall et al., 2010). Such support has been referred to as a "hidden curriculum" that contributes to overall improvements in bookish adjustment (Mekonnen, 2017). A better understanding of the negative and positive effects of such a spillover is thus critical to the shaping of educational practices aimed at optimizing boyish evolution.

In present China, both mothers and fathers must oft rest work and childcare obligations. In dual-earner families, notwithstanding, gender roles are likely to be more traditional such that fathers serve as the primary financial providers while mothers are mainly responsible for the children (Fan and Chen, 2020; Xia et al., 2020). These gender-related differences may lead parents to experience piece of work-family unit spillover in different ways, given their singled-out perceptions regarding work and family, although few studies to appointment have explored this possibility. The maternal workforce participation is not linked to a concomitant reduction in housework or childcare obligations equally is the case for fathers, potentially reducing marital and work satisfaction and ultimately increasing maternal WFC (Crouter and Bumpus, 2001; Nilsen et al., 2016; Kuo et al., 2018). Mothers are besides more likely to play a direct role in the daily direction of family unit life such that maternal piece of work-family experiences may take a greater touch on family function and child developmental outcomes (Cooklin et al., 2015).

While there is a piece of work-family unit theoretical footing (Demerouti et al., 2005) to expect fathers in order to experience less distress than mothers, they may nonetheless experience greater WFC owing to desires of having a fulfilling career and a quality family life simultaneously (Shockley et al., 2017; Kuo et al., 2018). Paternal WFC has previously been shown to exist damaging to early on childhood development, with resultant outcomes persisting into adolescence (Bronte-Tinkew et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2012). Spousal work-family experiences can likewise predict individual experiences (Mean solar day and Chamberlain, 2006) and views regarding their children (Matias and Recharte, 2020), with such effects being most pronounced for fathers, who may be more decumbent to experience stronger partner crossover influences as their parenting role is less well scripted than the maternal role such that they are more susceptible to contextual influences (Belsky et al., 1991).

Mediating Impact of Educational Expectations

Parental educational beliefs and practices can play a key role in influencing adolescent academic progress (Beal and Crockett, 2010; Chen et al., 2020; Fang et al., 2020), with parental educational expectations playing a especially profound role in shaping social and academic adjustment in adolescent children (Phillipson and Phillipson, 2007; August et al., 2012). Parents with higher educational expectations are more likely to be supportive of the educational activity of their children (Hinnant et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2020), leading to college average scores from standardized tests, meliorate average grades, and lower rates of schoolhouse dropout relative to the children of parents with low educational expectations (Davis-Kean, 2005; Ravindran and Kalpana, 2012). These results advise that parental educational expectations can serve every bit a robust family-level predictor of academic accomplishment among adolescents (Lazarides et al., 2016; Kang et al., 2020).

In general, parents typically believe that better educational achievement is straight linked to better career success and social condition, and as such, a rising fraction of parents look their children to receive a amend didactics and to thereby accomplish a better career (Chen et al., 2020; Chan and Li, 2020; Hawkley et al., 2020; Li, 2020).

The cognitive attitudes and abilities of adolescents differ from those of their parents, equally does their understanding of the associated environment (Lazarides et al., 2016). As such, they actively construct singled-out views of themselves and the future based upon information derived from their parents. Adolescent perceptions of parental educational expectations are thus likely to exist distinct from the actual expectations of their parents (Kuperminc et al., 2008; Beal and Crockett, 2010).

Prior empirical studies accept demonstrated a positive correlation between parental expectations and educational behavior and attitudes of adolescents. However, if adolescents perceive that the educational expectations of their parents exceed their personal expectations, maladjustment may occur (Benner and Wang, 2014; Wang and Benner, 2014). Adolescent perceptions of parental educational expectations can thus be considered a form of reactive evaluation in accordance with identity control theory (Burke, 1996). According to this theory, when there is a misalignment between these evaluations, individuals can seek to remediate these inconsistencies via output behaviors, with maladjustment occurring when these behaviors fail to achieve the desired outcome (Eccles and Wigfield, 2002). As such, the extent to which the perceived educational expectation maybe was a cardinal factor to the bookish adjustment of the adolescents.

Prior work-family unit studies suggested that parental teaching level, parental occupation, family unit assets, and piece of work-family spillover tin can all impact educational attitudes (Porfeli et al., 2008; Fang et al., 2020). WFC can also negatively affect parental educational attitudes, and parental educational expectations serve as a primal metric for these attitudes (Graves et al., 2007). A lack of time or energy attributable to work-life spillover may impact parental mental status such that it indirectly impacts academic adjustment (Bilodeau et al., 2020).

While parental expectations represent a mental country that cannot directly affect boyish cognition, behavior, or performance, they can mediate the relationship betwixt piece of work-family unit spillover, academic pressure, bookish burnout, and academic self-efficacy (Hinnant et al., 2009; Beal and Crockett, 2010; de Haan et al., 2013; Jiang and Dong, 2020). However, relatively little is known regarding the manner whereby work-family experiences impact adolescent aligning, particularly when simultaneously considering parental education expectations and perceived educational expectations. Therefore, nosotros assessed whether educational expectations function equally an important machinery explaining the touch on of work-family spillover on adolescent academic adjustment.

The Electric current Written report

Most studies of relationships between adolescents and their parents have focused on single-informant designs that utilize adolescent cocky-reported information pertaining to parental behaviors, with less distinction being fabricated between maternal and paternal behaviors. Given that piece of work-family spillover for mothers and fathers can take significant but singled-out impacts on bookish adjustment and development, there is thus a major gap in the associated literature. The main goal of this study was, thus, to accost these gaps by investigating relationships between parental reports regarding work-family spillover, educational expectations (both maternal and paternal), and adolescent reports regarding academic aligning. It is of import that both maternal and paternal factors should exist considered at the aforementioned time in order to ensure that important factors influencing academic performance are not overlooked.

In this written report, we employed an Role player-Partner Interdependence Model-Structural Equation Modeling (APIM-SEM) approach to examination model to report these relationships in greater detail such that maternal and paternal results can be compared effectively. We hypothesized that parental WFC and WFE would be significantly associated with adolescent academic adjustment. Using our model, we sought to test whether these associations were indirectly mediated past parental educational expectations and adolescent perceptions thereof. We also assessed whether these associations differed as a role of parental office and examined whether at that place were role player-partner interdependent associations of spouse educational expectations.

Finally, the mothers every bit caregivers is highly pervasive, giving the menstruation-on implications the function of mothers has to families, family unit relationships, parent-kid interactions, and, ultimately, in the development of children (Matias and Recharte, 2020). Thus, nosotros expected that the hypothesized paths would be stronger for mothers than fathers at whatsoever time.

Materials and Methods

Participants and Process

This study was approved past the University Research Ethics Commission of Shaanxi Normal University (Xi'an, China). The current inquiry was conducted at five full schools in Jiangxi Province, China. Ten classes from grades 5–9 were randomly selected from each schoolhouse to participate in this written report. In this research, both adolescents and their parents were invited to participate. They were told that their participation was voluntary and that they could choose not to participate if they desired. The anonymity of participants was guaranteed, and they were assured that information would be used only for research purposes.

Parents provided written informed consent for their participation and the participation of their children. The students were tested by taking one class every bit a unit to evaluate the academic aligning of adolescents during a unmarried 45-min classroom session. Adolescents brought the questionnaires to their parents so that they could complete the questionnaires at habitation. Parents were asked to complete questionnaires at home and return the sealed questionnaires within 1 week of receipt to their headteachers. Mothers and fathers were asked to complete questionnaires on WFC, WFE, demographic characteristics, and educational expectations separately from each other. Families with more than than one child in the target age range were instructed to choose only one of the tested children to fill up out the questionnaire. The participated adolescents and their parents were awarded l ¥, respectively.

A total of ii,680 students were approached: 269 students were excluded considering one or both parents were unemployed, 124 students were excluded considering they did not complete the questionnaires, and 151 students were excluded because they were non-cohabiting with a mother and begetter figure for at least 2 years. The demographic characteristics of adolescents, including age, gender, and siblings, were collected using a self-reported questionnaire. Adolescents were 11.six–19.3 years of age: 14.1% were fifth graders, 17.vii% were 6th graders, 28.9% were seventh graders, 22.3% were eighth graders, and 17.0% were ninth graders; 51.ii% were girls; Thousand = 13.11, SD = ane.28. In total, we approached 2,680 parents: 388 parents were excluded because they did not complete the questionnaires and 156 parents were excluded because of lacking of data on one parent. The terminal sample consisted of two,136 families, including 2,136 adolescents, 2,136 fathers, and 2,136 mothers.

Families varied in their number of children: 51% of the families had 2 children, 12% of the families had 3 children, 31% of the families had only i child, and half dozen% of the families had four children or more. For these participants, the bulk of mothers and fathers reported being biological parents of the participating adolescents (>91%).


Demographic Characteristics

A cocky-reported questionnaire was used to collect the educational background of parents, age (mean age of mothers = xl.54 years, SD = iii.48; mean age of fathers = 41.92 years, SD = two.93), and working hours. Regarding the demographic characteristics of parents, 27.7% of fathers and 25.5% of mothers had a high school education or college and 51.8% of fathers and 48.four% of mothers had a secondary education diploma: 13.1% of families reported income < ¥ 5,000 per month, 34.two% between ¥ v,000 and ¥ 9,999 per calendar month, 38.1% between ¥10,000 and ¥14,999 per month, and 14.6% > ¥ 15,000 per calendar month. Regarding the working hours and overtime of fathers, 43.v% reported working 8 h/day and 32.7% working over 8 h/day. For mothers, 55.6% reported working 8 h/mean solar day and 26.nine% working over 8 h/day. Notably, thirteen.five% fathers and iii.iv% mothers reported working some hours at night. Almost one-third of parents reported working overtime and some fathers had to piece of work late in the night.

Work-Family Disharmonize and Work-Family Enrichment

Parents reported WFC and WFE using the Piece of work-Family Spillover Scale (Wayne et al., 2004). This questionnaire consisted of 16 items, describing two aspects from WFC (8 items, e.grand., "My chore reduces the effort I can give to activities at home") and WFE (8 items, east.g., "The things I exercise at work assist you deal with personal and applied issues at home"). The Chinese version of this questionnaire has been validated (Ma et al., 2018).

Parents indicated how oft they had experienced each during the last month on a five-point Likert scale ranging from ane (all the time) to v (never). Items were scored such that college scores meant more conflict or enrichment. The Cronbach's blastoff coefficients of this report are 0.79 and 0.84 for both mothers and fathers, respectively.

Educational Expectations

Educational expectations were measured by the response of the male parent and mothers to the questions, "How far in school do you want your child to get?" and boyish perceptions of educational expectations of their parents ("How far in schoolhouse practise you think your parent want you lot to go?"), answered on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (less than loftier schoolhouse) to 6 (more postgraduate) (Wang and Benner, 2014).

Academic Adjustment

This written report used the 24-item Adaptive Learning Scales (Midgley et al., 2000) to assess the academic adjustment of adolescents. This scale included three subscales: bookish pressure level (east.1000., "Having to study things you lot do non understand"), academic efficiency (e.chiliad., "Well behaved in schoolhouse"), and academic burnout (e.thousand., "My study is so poor that I really want to give it up"). For the above statements, responses ranged from 1 (never true) to five (always true), with items reverse-scored when necessary, and higher scores representing college maladaptive. The Cronbach'southward alpha coefficients of each subscale ranged from 0.lxx to 0.83 in this study.

Analytic Strategy

We first performed descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations between all variables using SPSS 25.0 (SPSS, 2014).

In the following stride, we examined three models: (1) the mediating function of educational expectations and perceived parental educational expectation between the WFC of parents and bookish aligning of adolescents (Model 1), (two) the mediating function of parental educational expectations and perceived parental educational expectations between the WFE of parents and academic adjustment of adolescent (Model two), and (iii) the model combining WFC and WFE (Model 3). Nosotros also estimated the covariance betwixt the educational expectations of fathers and mothers in all models in society to assure that the issue is robust. AMOS 20.0 was used to business relationship for the complex survey design of the data (Arbuckle, 2011).

Finally, to examine whether parental educational expectations and perceived educational expectations of adolescents could mediate the associations betwixt WFC and WFE of parents and academic adjustment of adolescents, we used the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model-Structural Equation Modeling (APIM-SEM) model, which can be used to measure effects between 2 variables inside an individual (i.east., role player effect) and simultaneously bookkeeping for interpersonal relationship regarding the outcome of his/her partner (i.e., partner effect; Cook and Kenny, 2005). Therefore, the APIM-SEM model allows the states to amend empathise the unique contributions of WFC and WFE the parents to their own (actor effect) and educational expectations of each other (partner outcome), every bit well as the furnishings of these contributions on academic aligning in adolescents.

We controlled for fourth dimension-invariant characteristics, including age (in years), gender (1 = female person and 0 = male), schoolhouse (1 = chief school and 2 = secondary school), and socioeconomic condition (SES). Parental educational attainment (high school education or higher and secondary education diploma, Chen et al., 2020) and monthly household income of v,000 ¥ are indicators of SES.


Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Amidst Study Variables

Table i illustrates the descriptive statistics and Pearson'south bivariate correlations for our variables. Consequent with our expectations, the academic adjustment of adolescents was negatively correlated with the WFC of parents and positively correlated with the WFE of parents. Parental educational expectations were positively correlated with their WFE and negatively correlated with their WFC. In addition, the perceived educational expectations of adolescents exhibited significantly positive correlations with educational expectations of their parents and significantly negative correlations with their academic adjustment.


Table ane. Means, standard deviations, and correlations among the study variables (N = 2136).

Work-Family Disharmonize and Work-Family Enrichment of Parents and Academic Adjustment of Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Educational Expectations

Mediation analyses were conducted to examine the hypotheses that the piece of work-family unit spillover of parents had implications for bookish adjustment. The APIM-SEM model was used to appraise the mediating effects of parental educational expectation and perceived educational expectation on this indirect path.

To examine whether parental educational expectations and perceived educational expectations of adolescents could mediate the associations between parental WFC and WFE and academic adjustment of adolescents, we estimated and compared three models: WFC (Model one), WFE (Model 2), and combining Model ane and Model 2 (Model 3). As shown in Table 2, Model 3 has ameliorate model plumbing equipment than Model 1 and Model two. Therefore, we selected Model 3 as our last arbitration model.


Tabular array 2. Fit indices of the model of WFC, WFE, and comprehensive (N = ii,136).

Then, we tested the relationships between WFC of parents and educational expectation, and the event shows that the model with distinguishable members differed from that with indistinguishable members (Δχ2 = 20.53, p < 0.001). The results of the model comparison testify that distinguishability existed between the educational expectations of mothers and fathers; i.due east., the APIM-SEM model is supported for model testing, in which model parsimony can be considered for increasing model power.

Every bit shown in Figure 1, WFC demonstrated significant actor effects on educational expectations in both mothers and fathers. The standardized histrion effect was for begetter (β = −0.18, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001, 95% CI [−0.21, 0.09]) and for female parent (β = −0.21, SE = 0.03, p = 0.001, 95% CI [−0.22, −0.11]), and WFC of mothers was negatively predicted with educational expectation of fathers (β = −0.14, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001, 95% CI [−0.17, −0.06]); all the same, we did non notice significant effects of WFC of fathers on the educational expectation of mothers within the couple-relationship dyads. Meanwhile, merely WFE of mothers displayed a significant positive effect on the educational expectations they concur (β = 0.16, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001, 95% CI [0.06, 0.19]). In other words, their educational expectation does not appear dependent on one another (encounter Figure 1).


Figure 1. The mediated impact of parental educational expectation and perceived educational expectation on WFC, WFE, and bookish adjustment, terminal model. Due west→FC, work→family conflict; F→WC, family→work disharmonize; Due west→FE, work→family enrichment; F→WE, family→piece of work enrichment. Solid arrows signal significant paths; dotted arrows indicate non significant paths: Standardized estimates are depicted. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

This finding proved the possibility that parental roles may have different effects on the academic adjustment of adolescents. Then, we added adolescent's perceived educational expectation of adolescents and in the side by side footstep of the models to test the extent to which associations between work-family unit spillover of parents and academic adjustment of the boyish were mediated or independent.

Furthermore, our model examined the relations betwixt WFC, the parental educational expectation of parents, perceived educational expectation of adolescents, and academic adjustment. For fathers, indirect effects were not significant. Even so, indirect effects were significant for the relations between WFC of mothers and academic adjustment of adolescents, via both educational expectation of mother and perceived educational expectation of adolescents (β = −0.02, 95% CI [−0.02, −0.01], p < 0.001) (for player effect). Notably, WFC of mothers had a directly effect on the educational expectation of fathers (β = −0.01, 95% CI [−0.001, −0.002], p < 0.05) (for partner effect); however, the path coefficient of the human relationship between paternal educational expectation and perceived educational expectation was not meaning (β = −0.03, p = 0.54). In other words, the total upshot of maternal WFC on academic adjustment via paternal educational expectation and perceived educational expectation of adolescents was non-pregnant.

Additionally, the indirect relations between WFE of fathers and bookish aligning are also not meaning, and the indirect relations betwixt WFE of mothers and academic adjustment of adolescents (β = 0.01, 95% CI [0.002, 0.001], p < 0.001) (for role player consequence), via but educational expectation of mothers and perceived educational expectation of adolescents, were significant (see Figure 1).


First, this study is one of only a few, to our cognition, to accept examined the impacts of WFC and WFE on the outcomes of adolescents in China. In fact, according to the resources model (Hobfoll, 1989), it is necessary to consider both WFC and WFE in the report because the two processes oft occur simultaneously (Vahedi et al., 2018; Matias and Recharte, 2020). This study contributes to the body of research by because how the labor market place plays a office on adolescent health via influences on the work and family operation of parents. Second, the spillover-crossover model combines the spillover and crossover literature and theorizes that the experiences of job demands of individuals and resources will outset spill over to their family domain and then cross over to their spouses and children (Shimazu et al., 2011). Our findings signal that such work-family spillover of parents has an bear on on adolescent adjustment. Finally, these results also underscore a strong correlation between parental work-family unit spillover and academic adjustment in adolescents, while supporting the mediating roles whereby parental educational expectations and perceived educational expectations of adolescents touch on this relationship. The findings replicate and expand previous studies on the role of work-family unit resources of parents as main correlates of youth development. Moreover, regarding interactions between the work-family interface and adolescents, mothers seem to play a more important part than fathers (Greenhaus and Powell, 2006; Matias and Recharte, 2020) and interventions for mothers might be more than effective.

Work-Family Conflict and Academic Adjustment

The results of the model in this report suggested that parental WFC negatively affected the educational expectations they hold, and maternal WFC does not only affect the mother but also her spouse, still (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985; Coplan and Weeks, 2009). If parents are depleted of resources in the workplace, they volition find it more difficult to focus on the child or be mentally available during parent-child interactions. Every bit such, WFC likely will impair the availability of the caregivers to the child, such as low expectations and rough parenting. Similarly, mothers who experience overwhelmed by forms of WFC such as overtime or childcare responsibilities may place increased demands on fathers, thereby influencing their expectations.

In addition, nosotros too found an indirect impact of maternal WFC just not paternal WFC on bookish adjustment in adolescents (Borelli et al., 2017; Ferreira et al., 2018). This is in line with a previous work indicating that the working experiences of mothers have a greater consequence on family functioning relative to those of fathers. Such asymmetric gender patterns indicate that how mothers reconcile their work and family unit roles in the context of WFC take a greater touch on youth academic adjustment relative to like reconciliation for fathers (Fuligni and Zhang, 2017; Aazami et al., 2018; Fan and Chen, 2020). This may also be linked to the traditional gender roles which predominate in China, wherein women are expected to exist responsible for maintaining an appropriate work-family residual such that they finer prioritize parenting while remaining strong participants in the workforce. Even in dual-earner families, mothers all the same tend to serve equally the primary caregivers for children (Fontaine and Andrade, 2007). As such, maternal perceptions regarding difficulties in achieving work-family residual are linked to maladjustment in their children. Based on these findings, it is important to offer farther impetus for workplaces and public policy to provide optimal employment conditions to mothers of children, by increasing parental employees satisfaction and reducing the experience of WFC (e.g., understanding of the needs of parents or providing greater flexibility in terms of their working hours, location, and work arrangements especially for working mothers).

We did not observe any evidence suggesting that paternal WFC can predict academic adjustment in adolescents. This may reflect the bottom role traditionally played by men when caring for children together with the greater ideological compatibility of employment and fatherhood (Bianchi and Milkie, 2010). Traditional Chinese culture values "breadwinning men and homemaking women," which can make it challenging for fathers to take responsibleness for their families. However, Schnittker (2007) determined that paternal WFC can reduce benefits to children nether age 10, suggesting that gender differences may be accrued as men and women age and pass through unlike child-rearing stages (Leupp, 2017). Thus, future studies should seek to aggrandize the current understanding of the association betwixt work-family unit spillover and adolescent development, with a particular focus on fathers. We believed that should prove an interesting topic of investigation for a afterwards study.

Work-Family Enrichment and Academic Adjustment

Unlike under WFC, only a unmarried indirect link between WFE and academic aligning was detected for mothers. Specifically, no partner effect was evident under this model, with only actor furnishings of maternal educational expectations being observed in our study. In contrast to previous studies, these findings propose that work and family obligations are not ever at odds with one another such that for mothers who experience more WFE, spending more time with their children, and associated caregiving may be associated with better adolescent adaptability (Conger and Donnellan, 2007; Lee et al., 2017). Workforce participation can protect against common concrete and mental health problems in mothers while increasing their opportunities for social support, income, skill-building, and identity, thereby contributing to feelings of efficacy and satisfaction (Grzywacz and Bass, 2003; Fontaine and Andrade, 2007; Bianchi and Milkie, 2010). These feelings, in plow, take the potential to strengthen maternal interactions with their children, yielding ameliorate adaptive outcomes. We believe that further studies should aim to dig more positive aspects of parent piece of work-family unit spillover rather than only negative ones.

We did not observe that positive maternal experiences impacted paternal expectations to the same extent equally maternal conflict. This may be considering husbands are less empathic to positive emotions and are thus more than likely to experience negative affect from their spouse (Ong et al., 2010). For fathers, while fatherhood is of import for adolescent development, unfortunately, at present, there is little such evidence for our studies.

The Role of Educational Expectation

One mechanism whereby expectation impacts adolescent outcomes is via the mediating role of parental attitudes toward education and their engagement in learning activities and these impacts have long been used to explicate private actions and task performance (Lent et al., 2009; Crockett and Beal, 2012).

Our results suggest that parental educational expectations and perceptions thereof jointly mediate the human relationship between parental work-family spillover and bookish aligning. Contempo evidence further suggests that these expectations may explain to a large extent the association betwixt the parental work-family interface and academic aligning amidst adolescents. Our findings are consequent with such evidence (Yamamoto and Holloway, 2010; Vasquez et al., 2016). While parental educational expectations are external factors that are unable to straight bear on academic aligning in adolescents, parents nonetheless serve every bit the principal socializing agents for their children, transmitting their expectations and values in a style that ultimately influences boyish bookish achievement (Yamamoto and Holloway, 2010; Vasquez et al., 2016).

Our results were in further support of a significant negative correlation between perceived educational expectations and academic aligning among adolescents, consequent with the findings of Attanasio and Kaufmann (2014), who establish higher levels of parental educational expectations to be closely linked to lower levels of adjustment (Attanasio and Kaufmann, 2014). In other words, perceived educational expectations accept the potential to shape other outcomes via engendering academic stress (Haven et al., 2019; Poots and Cassidy, 2020). Self-cognition theoretically motivates behaviors while also beingness adjusted based upon feedback from those behaviors (Eccles and Wigfield, 2002; Aggravate and Crockett, 2010). Prior studies thus propose that for adolescents, perceived parental educational expectations serve as an important cogitating evaluation of adolescents. Indeed, adolescents reported more pressure and academic maladjustment when they perceived themselves as failing to meet the expectations of their parents (Bouchey and Harter, 2005; Agliata and Renk, 2008). The overestimation of parental expectations may signal unsuccessful family socialization or maladaptive parent-child interactions, and such unfavorable family unit environments may compromise adolescent adjustment, highlighting of import avenues for future intervention.

Conclusion and Implications

While there accept been many studies confirming the touch on of parental work-family spillover on adolescent developmental outcomes, the furnishings of WFC and WFE on academic adjustment in adolescents are not well-understood in the Chinese cultural setting. This study is the first such empirical exploration of how such parental work-family spillover can positively and negatively influence such bookish adjustment, and while these results are preliminary, they are nonetheless noteworthy. While fully clarifying the direct human relationship between parental piece of work-family unit spillover and child evolution remains challenging, our results suggest that only maternal expectations and perceived educational expectations mediate the human relationship between these two variables. Specifically, our results propose the potential for a crossover pattern inside couples such that maternal WFC may adversely touch paternal expectations. As regards futurity inquiry, more studies are needed to consider both work-family unit experiences of mothers and fathers and potential contributions to health inequalities.

These results indicate the potential for maternal work-family spillover to have both positive and negative impacts on the mental health of their children as well as their spouse (Sabbath et al., 2015; Romund et al., 2016; Vieira et al., 2016). As rates of maternal participation in the labor marketplace continue to take chances, these results bespeak that a large proportion of children have the potential to be adversely or positively afflicted past workplace policies that influence such maternal work-family unit spillover. Every bit such, policies must focus on facilitating a family-friendly piece of work environment for working mothers.

Despite its novel contribution to the literature, our work has the following limitations. Outset, the data in this study were cantankerous-sectional, precluding the potential to draw any causal inferences regarding the findings in this report. Thus, additional studies will be necessary to more than fully understand the nature of the relationship between the level of coherence and the importance that adolescents aspect to piece of work and family roles in daily life. Second, all of the measurements in this study were self-reported and are thus potentially subject to bias equally a effect of perceived social desirability. Finally, samples in this study were relatively homogenous given that this analysis focused only on adolescents from five full schools in Jiangxi, and additional work will thus be necessary to determine whether these results can exist generalized to more diverse populations or in different cultures and regions. Our written report likewise should exist emphasized that the electric current sample included families from a middle-course background, and generalizability to other populations may be limited. In hereafter studies, it may be useful to explore the impact of the parental work-family unit status in rural samples and other ethnic groups, in which the linkages betwixt piece of work-family adjustments of parents and bookish adjustment of adolescents may vary. Overall, our data suggest that family dynamics should be considered when evaluating adolescents and their families. Additionally, further studies volition demand to more fully elucidate the bidirectional relationships betwixt adolescent adjustment and parental experiences.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Statement

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the University Enquiry Ethics Committee, Shaanxi Normal University, Communist china. Written informed consent to participate in the report was provided by the participants' legal guardian/next of kin.

Author Contributions

XLW and LZ were responsible for the formulation of the research program. In addition, XLW was responsible for data collection, processing, and manuscript writing. XJW was responsible for the manuscript review. MZ was responsible for the revision of this manuscript. LZ was responsible for funding acquisition. Later on consultations and all the authors agreed with the rearrangement of the names. In the final version of the article, LZ is tagged as corresponding author.


This work was supported past the Social Science Funding Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region awarded to XLW (21BJYX170); Tianshan Talent Plan of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Phase iii (2021-2023) awarded to XLW; the Research Plan Funds (2019-05-019-BZPK01) of the Collaborative Innovation Centre Assessment toward Basic Teaching at Beijing Normal University awarded to LZ; and the Research Program Funds of the bones education at Shaanxi Normal Academy awarded to LZ.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the inquiry was conducted in the absence of whatever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed every bit a potential conflict of interest.

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Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712954/full

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