How to Convert Premiere Adobe 2019 to 2018

How can you open a new Adobe Premiere Pro Project in an older Version of Premiere Pro? This is the way, how you can DOWNGRADE a Premiere Pro Project File.

I saved a Premiere Pro Project File in the current Version Premiere Pro and I had to install an older version of Premiere Pro. But it was not able to open the Premiere Pro File anymore. I always got the message

"this project was saved in a newer version of adobe premiere pro and cannot be opened in this version".

The same can happen, if you and your Team are working in different Version of Adobe Premiere Pro. So, how can you open a new Premiere Pro Project File on an older version???

In this Tutorial I will show you how you can easily open your newer Version of PP Project on an OLDER Version. To do this you need to change only on number with your NOTEPAD. That's it. You can open an new premiere pro project without xml files or any other tools. This works with almost all Adobe Premiere Pro Versions.


  • [Video] HOW TO OPEN NEW PREMIERE PRO Project on older Version? – Downgrade a Premiere Pro Project File
  • Is Premiere Pro backwards compatible?
  • What version of Adobe Premiere Pro do I have?
  • How do you change to an older version of Premiere Pro?
  • How to downgrade Premiere Pro Project File?
  • Opening a 15.x project in a previous version of Premiere Pro (using XML)
    • Ciao Daniel 🙂

[Video] HOW TO OPEN NEW PREMIERE PRO Project on older Version? – Downgrade a Premiere Pro Project File

Is Premiere Pro backwards compatible?

Adobe is maintaining the compatibility within major release versions of Premiere Pro. For example: Within a major release, project files are forward and backward compatible: you can open and save any Premiere Pro v15.x project with any 15.x version of Premiere Pro – including Dynamic Link with After Effects 18.x versions.

What version of Adobe Premiere Pro do I have?

Open Premiere Pro and go to the Dropdown Menu "Help" and select "About Premiere Pro"

What Premiere Pro Version do i have

How do you change to an older version of Premiere Pro?

Step 1: Open the Creative Cloud Desktop App and klick the 3 dots behind your installed Premiere Pro App:

How to install older Version of Premiere Pro

Step 2: Select "Other Versions"

How to install older Version of Premiere Pro 02

Step 3: You can Install multiple different Premiere Pro Versions at the same time

How to install older Version of Premiere Pro 03

How to downgrade Premiere Pro Project File?

Step 1: Copy your Project File and Rename it

Step 2: Download z-Zip (it FREE)

Step 3: Right Click on your Project File: 7-Zip\Extract Here – This will create a new File.

extract here - downgrade Premiere Pro File

Step 4: Open the new File with the Notepad

Open in notepad - downgrade Premiere Pro File

Step 5: In line 4 you will find the value for the Premiere Pro Version. For example: …Version="38″>
Change this number to a lower number like: …Version="1″> and save the file.

Step 6: Right click on the saved file: 7-Zip\Add to archive…

Step 7: Change archive format to "gzip"

Step 8: Change the name ending to *.prproj

change to gzip and rename - downgrade Premiere Pro File

Step 9: Open the Project in Premiere Pro and let the Project be converted. – Done

Opening a 15.x project in a previous version of Premiere Pro (using XML)

If you have opened your project in the latest version of Premiere Pro and want to revert back to using the previous version, save the file in XML format and import it in the previous version.

Check out this video from Adobe to learn more:

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How to Convert Premiere Adobe 2019 to 2018


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